Category: Painting

Overflow – 2014

Overflow – 2014 There is nothing more agonising to me than watching myself destroy an opportunity by crumbling under my own neurotic insecurities. Usually when I’m destroying myself, it happens very quickly, and I feel powerless to stop it. I can hear myself saying stupid things or doing stupid things, but I can’t stop doing […]

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Ego – Jun 2015 – Acrylic on Canvas I used to think that it was cool or interesting to be self-destructive because most of the creative people I’ve ever respected were their own worst enemy… this painting is about realising that my hangups, self-consiousness, doubt and insecurity are drastically impacting my ability to connect to […]

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Out(Side) of Time

Out(Side) of Time – Nov 2014 I often feel caught up in the momentum of “time” which feels like a constant pressure to move forward towards an end of something. The clock is one of my most detested human constructions, because it’s always reminding me that I exist in a space where things need to […]

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The Only Way Out is In – Nov 2015

Sometimes the best way to understand the world is to spend some time inside, understanding yourself. There are a few people in the world that are interested in dissecting their minds with me, and this painting is a tribute to them; a tribute to unraveling entire universes from inside the quiet of our own little […]

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An Education II – 2015

An Education II – Sept. 2015 Our “self” is a tangled web of experience, perceptions (inputs, outputs), memories, values (learned or taught) and it is a near impossibility to find the baseline underneath it all. What are you? Where did you get that idea? Why did that hurt you so much, and why doesn’t this? […]

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Immortality, 2015

Immortality (Acrylic on Canvas, Oct 2015) The moment when we realize we are a temporary appearance in time (chaos/gravity/entropy) and are subsequently faced with the choice to either fear death, or accept freedom. The reflection of the face in the void is to show “death” at the end of time. What do we choose to […]

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